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Sapa & Ethnic Colorful Market - 3Days/4Nights

Sapa & Ethnic Colorful Market - 3Days/4Nights

Night 1: Praha Sapa Hotel staff escorts you to the railway station for boarding on a 4 - AC - soft sleeper - cabin to travel up Lao Cai city. 

Day 1: Lao Cai – Ethic market - Sa Pa (B/L/)
5:00 Arrive at Lao Cai Train station in the early morning, you are welcomed by our local guide. Enjoy breakfast at a local restaurant. After that, we will visit one of the colorful tribal markets. The tour is subject to your visiting date: 
Tuesday   : Coc Ly Market ( 56km from Lao Cai )
Wednesday : Cao Son Market ( 81km from Lao Cai )
Thursday  : Lung Khau Nhin Market (65km from Lao Cai )
Saturday  : Can Cau Market ( 87km from Lao Cai )
Sunday    : Bac Ha Market ( 67km from Lao Cai )
Lunch in town then transfer to Sapa for staying overnight.

Night 2: Overnight at hotel in Sapa

Day 2:  Sapa – Hill Tribe villages - Homestay (B/D) 
After breakfast in the hotel, At 8:30 trek down to Cat Cat village of Black H’mong people to see their daily life activities, such as: rice cultivating, clothes weaving, brocade embroidering and indigo colour dyeing. Later on back Sapa town. Start the tour in the afternoon at 14:00, downhill trekking to Lao Chai Village – home of  Black H’mong minority, trek through Muong Hoa Valley with many beautiful sceneries along the river then reach Ta Van village where you can pay a visit to a Dzay minority peole family. Dinner & homestay here..

Night 3: Homestay at Dzay family 

Day 3: Tavan – Giang Ta Chai – Sapa – Lao Cai station (B)
Wake up with the locals in the sound of pigs, chickens and the family dogs. The family is already on their feet preparing your breakfast. After breakfast, say good bye to the locals and trek through a bamboo forest to Giang Ta Chai - home of Red Dzao people.  Meet and talk with people to learn more about their daily life, customs and traditions. Pass over the Cau May (Rattan) Bridge then at 12:00 get back to Sapa Town by car. Free afternoon to discover Sa Pa town or shopping in the local market.  
Leave the town for Lao Cai train station at around 16:00 pm for boarding the night train back to Hanoi.

Night 4 : Night train back to Hanoi

Day 4: Hanoi 
The train arrives at Hanoi in the early morning, Praha Sapa Hotel staff will pick you up, and escort you back to the hotel (optional).
For guests who await to check-in, we highly recommend you to order the extra package including All-you-can-eat breakfast and Spa coupon @USD30 per person. This will rejuvenate your body after the tiresome return journey from Sapa by train in early morning.

Tour ends

Note: Join-in group is not available. Please contact us if you need further information
Included: Private transfers, Ac soft sleeper train, E.S. guide, admission fees, meals as specified, homestay, hotel and market tour.

Excluded: Insurance, drinks, other personal expenses. Tips are welcome!

What to bring:  Passport, comfortable footwear for trekking, insect repellent, rain gears, hat, sun cream, warm clothing.
Mandatory fields are marked as "*", but by providing more information it will allow us to better address your needs.

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